martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Indicadores Matemáticas

1. Transform 2D points and shapes by: reflection in a given line, rotation about a given point and translation. Know that shapes remain congruent after these transformations.

2. Name and identify side, angle and symmetry and similarity properties of special quadrilaterals and triangles. Know that if two 2D shapes are congruent, corresponding sides and angles are equal. Identify and construct special points and lines in triangles and use them to solve word problems. 

3. Construct tables of values and plot the graphs of linear functions, where y is given implicitly in terms of x, rearranging the equation into the form y = mx + b; know the significance of m and find the gradient of a straight line graph and recognise straight-line graphs parallel to the x- or y-axis.

4. Solve word problems involving whole numbers, percentages, decimals, money or measures: choose operations and mental or written methods appropriate to the numbers and context, including problems with more than one step. 

5. Recognise and value the utility of mathematical or algebraic language to represent and solve real-life situations.

6. Demonstrates responsibility related to the following items: punctuality, coming to class on time, readiness for class, care of personal materials as well as school materials, bringing necessary materials to class at all times, proper organization and presentation of work, respect towards the teacher and classmates, dedication to excellence, recognition of the importance of dialogue and a sense of solidarity.

Indicadores Francés

1. L'étudiant peut reconnaître et comprendre des mots familiers quand une personne parle doucement et clairement.

2. L'étudiant peut exprimer un vocabulaire basique quand celui-ci parle avec un natif français.

3. L'étudiant peut suivre un texte simple qui utilise le vocabulaire, les mots et phrases apprises en clase.

4. L'étudiant peut reconnaître et utiliser l'orthographe correcte pour le vocabulaire simple et les mots vus en classe (salutations, chiffres, vocabulaire de la classe ...).

5. L'étudiant peut conjuguer les verbes principaux au présent de l'indicatif.

6. Démontre une responsabilité en relation avec les items suivants: ponctualité, arrive en classe à l'heure, est prêt pour la classe, prend soin du matériel personnel et du collège, amène le matériel nécessaire pour la classe, bonne organisation et présentation du travail, respect envers le professeur et les autres étudiants, dédication à l'excellence, reconnaissance de l'importance du dialogue et du sens de la solidarité.

Indicadores Idioma Extranjero (Inglés)

1. Formative - Demonstrates responsibility related to the following items: punctuality, coming to class on time, readiness for class, care of personal materials as well as school materials, bringing necessary materials to class at all times, proper organization and presentation of work, respect towards the teacher and classmates, dedication to excellence, recognition of the importance of dialogue and a sense of solidarity.

2. Speaking - Explain, discuss and debate advantages and disadvantages of ideas, plans and arrangements on a limited range of general and curricular topics with moderate grammatical accuracy. 

3. Listening - Understand the main points, specific information and most of the implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics. 

4. Writing - Brainstorm, plan, compose, edit and proofread written work at text level, with some support, on a range of general and curricular topics with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of general and curricular topics. 

5. Reading - Understand the main points, specific information and implied meaning in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts. Identify relevant points, synthesising and summarising ideas from different parts of the text. 

6. Use of English - Use a range of simple, continuous and perfect forms in the past, present and future, including active and passive voices with a growing range of time adverbials, adjectives, compound and abstract nouns and comparative structures.

Indicadores Lengua Castellana

1. Reconoce las reglas generales de acentuación repasadas en clase.

2. Analiza la lectura de las historias dispuestas del plan lector, y a partir de ellas distingue los aspectos relacionados con la estructura narrativa.

3. Aplica las reglas generales de acentuación repasadas en clase, e identifica algunas de las figuras literarias para la producción textual.

4. Utiliza el texto argumentativo para defender, comparar o contraargumentar una tesis.

5. Valora y respeta la opinión de sus compañeros, permitiendo que la clase sea un espacio de tolerancia.

6. Demonstrates responsibility related to the following items: punctuality, coming to class on time, readiness for class, care of personal materials as well as school materials, bringing necessary materials to class at all times, proper organization and presentation of work, respect towards the teacher and classmates, dedication to excellence, recognition of the importance of dialogue and a sense of solidarity.

Indicadores Ética, Valores y Cultura Religiosa

1. Diferenciar la religión como institución y la religiosidad como experiencia personal tomando como ejemplo la Europa Medieval.

2. Expresar su posición frente a las posturas ideológicas y filosóficas acerca de la existencia de Dios.

3. Apreciar las concepciones acerca del bien y el mal planteadas en oriente y occidente.

4. Demonstrates responsibility related to the following items: punctuality, coming to class on time, readiness for class, care of personal materials as well as school materials, bringing necessary materials to class at all times, proper organization and presentation of work, respect towards the teacher and classmates, dedication to excellence, recognition of the importance of dialogue and a sense of solidarity.

Indicadores Ciencias Sociales

1. Understand the importance of human rights. 

2. Appreciate the progress of society and struggle towards equality. 

3. Understand the basic problems of human rights. 

4. Understand why to respect other living beings. 

5. Understand the most important ideas and events of the Industrial revolution. 

6. Understand to the following items: punctuality, coming to class on time, readiness for class, care of personal materials as well as school materials, bringing necessary materials to class at all times, proper organization and presentation of work, respect towards the teacher and classmates.