lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011


Hello sixth graders:

About the PIN:

I know that we have had some difficulties not only to buy it but also to use it at home. But it has been almost a month since the beginning of this school year and last week I posted a message in this same blog announcing the visit of the publisher representative. Only a few brought the money to buy it. Since most of the students have been able to use it and do the homework, there will not be more extensions and from now on every one of you is responsible for either run copies of the exercises or to find another solution. Something else: from now on ALL HOMEWORK MUST BE DONE IN YOUR NOTEBOOKS AND YOU MUST SHOW ALL THE WORK IN AN ORGANIZED MANNER. I will not grade any more homework done in separated sheets of paper unless I tell you different.

This is high school and although you need some time to adapt to the new conditions, you are still responsible for all the work assigned in class.

The homework about addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of Integers was already checked and those grades are final.

About the coming quizzes:

Sixth A students are to take the quiz about multiplication and division of Integers tomorrow Tuesday September 6th.

Sixth B students are to take the quiz about multiplication and division of Integers this Wednesday September 7th.

Thank you.

Mr. Hernandez

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